Wednesday, July 18, 2007

First Post

How on earth did I get myself into this?

Well it all started with a trip down town to see the Yarn Harlot in person. That is where I saw this beautiful shawl, that of course, just had to be slipped around my shoulders. I held out my arm , thinking, I have to learn to knit so I can make one of these. She called it an Argosy, but could not remember the name of the yarn, so she gave me her card with her web address written on the back.

I went back to my seat, where the lady next to me struck up a conversation. I don't remember her name, but I'll never forget what she said to me. She asked if I knit, I said that I crochet and loom knit , but wanted to learn how to needle knit. I told her about my plans to take a class at one of the LYS. This is what I'll never forget, "Look around at all these knitters, one of then would be willing to teach you"she said. I froze, I'm a rather shy person, and the thought of asking some one to teach me was too much!

The next day I looked up the blog address that on the back of the business card that had been given to me. I ended up leaving a couple of comments, she e-mail me back thanking me for leaving a comment. Two or three days later I e-mailed her with an innocent little question. What size needles are best for a beginner to learn on? Next thing I knew Bobbie, of Tiggywinkle Knits, was offering to teach me to knit.

So there you have it, How I got myself in to this.


Bobbie Wallace said...

Love the name! And GREAT picture on the top! Did you take that? If you did, I'm impressed! Good post, too! Now, you'll start thinking, "Oh, I need to blog about this!" during the day. And, "I need to start carrying my digital camera around with me to take blog pictures." :)

Tammy said...

Welcome to the fold! :)

Cindy, aka Maxfun said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! YOu'll be clicking along on those needles AND the keyboard before you know it. :)

Aimee said...

Welcome to the Knit-side of life! :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome! To both the blogosphere and the knitosphere!

Don't forget to go over to Ravelry and get your name in the queue. :-)

Oh, yeah... and I echo what Bobbie said. You will never be without your digital camera and you will always be looking for blog fodder. It's a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Welcome! Welcome! I hope you enjoy your adventures in knitting... including the joy of holding wonderful fibers and finishing a product no matter how small, as well as the tears that come from having to re-work stitches... it's all good. I started knitting when I was 16 and haven't been able to stop since.

Meghan said...

Oooooooo a new person to corrupt.. er give advice to. Welcome and great first post!

Anonymous said...

Hurrah, you made it! Greetings. Resistance is futile. You have been knitblogBorged. ;)

Yep; camera, portable project, notions container, pattern, possibly a not-so-portable project, and a rather dazed look at first. Don't worry, you'll love it here.

Oh yeah...might want to think of a blog card somewhere down the line... [eg]

Sitcomgirl said...

I have to say that for the most part knitters are probably the friendliest people you will meet. I always love teaching someone else how to knit, hoping they get the same joy out of it as I do.
I'm a fairly shy person myself, but people love talking about thier yarns and knitting and suddenly I forget that I was scared to talk to them at first.

Kathy said...

Welcome to blogland! Beautiful pictures - can't wait to see more :-)